How To Succeed In Business In Spite of Yourself
Do you cringe at all of the annoying jargon-laden stuff the time management authorities say you need to do in order to get things done — planning, organizing, prioritization, follow-through, etc.?
If you’ve hardly ever benefitted in the past from any of the advice you’ve gotten from the resources you’ve bought to help you with Time Management or Business Strategies, this page is exactly where you want to be right now
Today I am Giving You a Tested and Proven 4-Step System That MUST Help You Feel Like You Can FINALLY Start Making Measurable and Meaningful Progress In Your Business Within 90 Minutes…
Or You Don’t Pay a Single Penny For It
From The Desk of: Tina Marie
Oregon, USA
When you’re in business, you want to succeed.
You want to have people looking at you like you’re a conquering hero because you have all the money you need to cover yours and your family’s necessities.
You want to have extra money flowing in that makes it easy for you to say “Yes” when it comes to splurging on the luxuries of life.
You want your business’s results and charitable endeavors to be worthy of books and articles being written about them and published for the whole world to see.
And it’d be nice to have all of the above without having to endure the back-breaking, brain-bleeding stress that the majority of business owners endure while simply trying to keeping their head above water.
But sadly, this isn’t the reality for most business owners.
Statistics show that MOST business owners don’t reach anywhere near this level of success.
There are over 28.8 MILLION small businesses in the U.S. alone and the National Federation of Independent Business concluded that new establishments with 500 or fewer employees show an average survival rate of 39.8 percent after six years.
The data tells you that the majority of businesses fail.
What it doesn’t reveal is the soul-crushing going on behind the scenes that are part of the life stories of many of the failed business owners… divorce… bankruptcy… alcohol/drug addictions… diseases caused by severe depression/sleep deprivation/lack of nutritional nourishment… suicide attempts… etc.
And all of this failure happening in a day and age where we are flooded by “how to manage your time and business” resources.
Because the majority of this “improvement” information isn’t created with you in mind.
I learned this lesson many moons ago from a highly successful entrepreneur who owns in the ball park of 200 books and programs on the topic of time management and has seen pretty much everything presented on this topic.
His opinion is that most of this stuff is built for people who aren’t doing very much.
He hammered home the lesson that if you want to be productive as an entrepreneur, using time management methodologies and tools composed with executives and middle managers in mind who work on a 9-5 schedule in an office and call it good day if they barely got anything done, is just plain dumb.
He taught me that if you want extraordinary results, then you’re not gonna come by those with “normal” methods.
And this is why I say…
It Is Not Your Fault That It Is a Struggle To Keep Your Business Alive
Research presents a clear cut case that as a business owner, there is a very good chance that you are highly dysfunctional.
In my opinion?
This is a very special kind of dysfunction that is to be honored and cherished.
You see, the way you are wired up, the traits you share with the most successful entrepreneurs history has ever known, are what makes it possible for our society to continually evolve forward.
Not very many people have been created like you.
I’ll prove this to you.
Let me ask you something…
How many of the following traits fit you…
- Are you super good at taking on and creatively solving the biggest, most urgent, and ugliest problems that pop up in your business?
- Are you constantly coming up with new business ideas?
- Are you one of those people that others gravitate towards and love to follow?
- Are you highly optimistic about the future?
- Do you think of yourself as being a big picture person? Or, are you a details person?
- Do you get distracted easily?
- Do you have zero patience for putting complex operational policy, structure and repeatability processes in place?
- Do you hate being held accountable or being told what to do? If so, do you find it hard to establish genuine accountability with yourself and in your company?
- Do you like being responsible for maintaining the key strategic relationships for your business – vendors, partners, peers, etc.?
- Do you love the idea of pitching and closing big deals?
- Do you often find yourself pondering the future of your industry, thinking of what’s coming and figuring out ways that you capitalize on the emerging trends you see coming?
- Do you feel compelled to push towards bigger and better ideas and to be the spark that gets them started?
- Do struggle with following through on the breakthrough ideas you initiate? Do you lose interest in these ideas quickly?
If you answered “Yes” to more than half of those questions, I know you.
When it is natural for you to see the world the way you do, it’s no surprise that you struggle when you’re trying to operate with the annoying traditional ways of running of a business.
Countless studies reveal that most of society would answer “no” to most of the questions above.
Why is this the case?
Because the majority of people are wired to be followers a.k.a. employees.
If you want to guarantee you fail in business, approach it the same way you’ve approached all the jobs you’ve ever had.
The difference between running a business and being employed is vast.
It is very easy for employees to think they understand what running a business is like because they’ve been employed by one.
Employees show up at work, sit there for a fixed amount of time and they get a pay check for doing so.
They still get this same pay check whether they do just “ok” work or, if they do amazing work. Heck, employees even get paid if they don’t show up if they have “sick days” or “Vacation hours”.
A business owner only gets paid for creating value and getting results.
The second they stop doing either of those, the ship sinks and if they’re really bad at managing their time and their money, they not only have no money coming in anymore but they actually end up owing money for the business that they killed.
So if you think about how the overwhelming amount of time management advice has been created for employees – executives and managers – then it’s easy to see why all of these books and courses rub you the wrong way.
The business norms for management and procedures that the gurus tell you that are requirements for success probably feel a punishment that’s being imposed on you.
The “Norm” is incredibly inconsiderate of the way you are wired.
It is handicapping you and this is why I feel certainty in my soul when I say that it is NOT your fault if you find yourself spinning your wheels.
You’ve gotten to the point where in spite of yourself… in spite of the dysfunction that compels you to be a business owner.
The Freedom Systems that I’m handing over to you today were painstakingly developed with you SPECIFICALLY in mind.
I guarantee that you’re going to fall head over heels in love with what I’ve created for you.
And yes, I can make that same promise to you if you didn’t say “Yes” to more than half of those questions because I know you’re someone who is more like ME .
Visionary Traits…
In Bob Thomas’ Building a Company: Roy O. Disney and the Creation of an Entertainment Empire, Walt is quoted saying, “If it hadn’t been for my big brother, I swear I would’ve been in jail several times for checks bouncing. I never knew what was in the bank. He kept me on the straight and narrow.”
As a team, Walt was the inventive dreamer, Roy the financial wizard.
Roy rejected fame and he let his brother bask in all of gloriousness that came with the publicity that made his face and voice known around the world.
Highly detailed research reveals that Disney had all the symptoms of a manic-depressive personality…
He went into periods of manic creativity, which were always followed by severe depression, anxiety, or nervous exhaustion
He would be prolifically creative and then have to take extended vacations to recover from physical exhaustion and depression
During his life Disney suffered eight nervous breakdowns in a frenetic existence that saw him either at the top of the industry receiving an Oscar or… fighting for his very existence.
His battles with bankruptcy and those who thought he was a dreamer caused much of his emotional distress, but even so he was still able to build the greatest children’s entertainment industry in history – Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters have become institutions on three continents.
The imagery Disney has created in the minds of both adults and children is unparalleled.
His cartoon characters help people regress into the freedom and happiness of childhood fantasy where one can remove the burdens of adult reality – THAT’S WHAT TINA IS – My product allows you to ease into more of the freedom and happiness BECAUSE all of the burdens of adult reality are being addressed in a timely and effective manner.
I am adept at quickly identifying and articulating problems, bottlenecks, disconnects, roadblocks, and barriers.
I am great at taking ideas and effectively initializing plans to make them a reality.
I am a great manager of people.
I get accused of being a pessimist and “hole poker.”
My natural perspective is oriented toward things that are internal to the company. Getting the house in order/ship-shape.
I am good at (and get excited about) being provided with a company vision, and then turning it into something real.
I am really good at translating someone’s vision into something others can understand and get on board with – laying a solid foundation for execution.
I am great at choosing which options are the best priorities for the organization.
I recognize the need for operational policy, structures, and repeatability to make the vision a reality. I am able to define meaningful rules and put them in place – without slowing things down and while improving efficiency.
I naturally think about the present, what needs to happen now, and how to keep everything on track for the future vision.
I am naturally analytical, skilled at deductive reasoning, and highly adept at implementing solutions.
I am comfortable being held accountable, and holding others accountable. I see the value in creating the infrastructure for accountability across the organization and am comfortable putting this in place.
I embrace and enjoy the role of executing and delivering P&L results.
I embrace and enjoy the role of providing leadership, management, and accountability for the company’s Leadership Team.
I embrace and enjoy the role of effectively integrating all the major functions of the organization.
I embrace and enjoy the role of effectively resolving cross-functional issues, making sure they are harmoniously integrated and orchestrated.
I embrace and enjoy the role of ensuring adherence to the organizations core processes and operating system.
I embrace and enjoy the role of ensuring the organization is aligned with the company’s Core Values.
I love running the day-to-day of the business, and take great pride in making sure the trains run on time.
I embrace and enjoy the role of ensuring the communication is effectively flowing across the organization.
Have you ever been in the presence of someone who embodied all of the following traits…
They were personally accountable…
They were highly impressive when it came to managing themselves
They were decisive…
They were great at planning and organizing…
They were a strong leader and manager – they had super powers when it came to being able to understand and evaluate others…
They were highly effective at managing conflict…
They were the catalyst for team cohesion – the glue that kept everything together…
They were resilient – they consistently achieved their goals
They were adaptable – they could flow elegantly with change and different environments
They were a problem solver – they always found a smart solution to the problems placed before them
They were persuasive – they knew what specific things a person had to hear in order to be moved to action
They were a continuous learner – They were continuously evolving forward and expanding what they could do
But I’m only one person.
I can only work with a limited amount of visionary entrepreneurs at one time.
Over the years I’ve had to turn down countless entrepreneurs who wanted me to be their personal Roy Disney.
I felt horrible knowing that when I couldn’t take on a client because I was booked solid, I was potentially putting a nail in the coffin of that client’s business.
Without my guidance, their dysfunction had a good chance of getting the best of them and ruining any chances of success.
So I did something about it.
I created a resource that … but I did it differently. I created from the standpoint of having 14 years in the trenches with people wired just like them.
and so what I had to do was
Do you hate the following…
Jobs that are thankless and that come with a lack of recognition…
Being accused of being a pessimist…
Being lonely…
Being in a place of constant tension and friction…
Being seen as the “Bad Guy” – the bearer of bad news
Having to do the “dirty work” – ex. Firing people, scheduling, etc.
Having to say “no” a lot…
Feeling like you’ve set the bar too high on yourself/unrealistic expectations of yourself
First of all, mentoring and coaching programs are never successful if they are a “1 size Fits All” model, at least for those that don’t fit that size.
I have multiple options in order to serve different levels of entrepreneurs.
You should know… there’s an audit that has to be done before we can work together long term.
This is a good thing.
Roy Disney couldn’t have helped just ANYONE create the Disney legacy.
It had to be a match.
However, I’m confident that Roy could have imparted powerful wisdom to any visionary if he sat down, one to one with them.
I’m also confident that I can do the same thing for your business.
My Business Audit is a two hour, highly structured, deep dive into your business.
I will ask you questions you don’t know the answers to, and help you find them.
I will ask you questions you may have never thought to ask yourself, and help you get those answers as well.
You will know exactly what you should be working on NOW, in order to generate more revenenue in your business QUICKLY…
You will know HOW you need to execute that process as well.
Additionally, you will understand the value of the work you need to do so that you don’t end up stopping before you finish.
You will finally move the needle past your current threshold and GROW YOUR BUSINESS.
Just from ONE MEETING.
IF we both decide that you are in a position to take full advantage of everything that I can teach you and do for you, then we can discuss working together long term.
And you, the VISIONARY… will finally have the INTEGRATOR you’ve been needing in your business…
At a FRACTION of the price it would cost you to hire someone full time.
I’ll create custom processes for you that shave your work time instantly.
From spreadsheets to project templates, financial trackers to entire sales funnels, whatever needs to be created to help you grow, I will help you create.
And when you’re getting in the way of growth…
I’ll help you see it and move past it.
As long as you speak up and show up with integrity and have a business that is generating revenue…
I can help you multiply the income while reducing the time spent working.
My Solemn Promise To You
You have to feel like I’m worthy of you considering putting me on your Christmas present list for the gift I’ve given to you after having only spent 120 minutes talking with me.
You have to believe that…
What Will Be Your Entrepreneurial Legacy?
When Walt Disney died in 1966 he had earned in excess of seven hundred citations, honorary degrees from Harvard and Yale, twenty-nine Oscars, four Emmys, the Irving Thalberg Award, the Presidential Freedom Medal, and the French Legion of Honor.
His wife received a telegram from then governor-elect of California, Ronald Regan: “There just aren’t any words to express my personal grief. The world is a poorer place now.”
Richard D. Zanuck, vice president of Twentieth Century Fox, said, “No eulogy will be read or monument built to equal the memorial Walt Disney has left in the hearts and minds of the world’s people.”
The New York Times summed up his life and work in a December 16, 1966, obituary:
Starting with very little save a talent for drawing, a gift of imagination that somehow in tune with everyone’s imagination, and a dogged determination to succeed, Walt Disney became one of Hollywood’s greatest entertainers. He had a genius for innovation; his production was enormous; he was able to keep sure and personal control over his increasingly far-flung enterprises; his hand was ever on the public pulse. He was in short a legend in his own lifetime.
Walt succeeded at this level in spite of himself and all of his entrepreneurial dysfunctions.
But he didn’t do it alone.
He had Roy.
The awards given to and the statements said about Walt shine light on the power that can be had when an entrepreneur has the kind of person in their life that can complement their weaknesses
Let me be your Roy Disney.
Let me show you how to succeed in spite of all the parts of you that desperately want to sabotage your success.
If your entrepreneurial light is to shine as bright as it possibly can as the result of becoming a better business person, who knows what incredibly tear-jerking things will be said about the impact you had on those individuals you have touched with YOUR gift.
Wouldn’t you like to find out?